Thursday, October 31, 2019

Summarize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Summarize - Essay Example m 1960 to 1990 fuelled by donors’ emphasis on basic education, there has been little or no response of economic growth to this educational explosion. This in part, is due to the lack of association between growth in schooling and GDP growth as has been noted in several studies. There is a negative and insignificant relationship evident in the comparison drawn between Asia and Africa. Also, a similar study found that there is no relationship between growth in years of schooling and per capital GDP growth. Another study found that disparity in growth across nations have little to do with variations in human capital growth. To mention but three. Although physical capital and human capital growth may have failed to explain variations in growth, some economists assert that physical capital and human capital can explain the large international variations in income. Such was the endeavor of Gregory Mankiw who points out that â€Å"income in the long run in the Solow model is determined by saving in the form of physical capital and by saving in the form of human capital.† To reconcile his position with the nonrelation of growth in output to growth in human capital, Mankiw ties up some loose ends: in the Solow framework (as applied to poor countries) by adding human capital; of the slow growth of poor countries by holding that once capital accumulation and education are controlled for, poor countries did tend to grow fast; and of the lack of capital flow to poor countries by supposing that physical capital as opposed to human capital could move across countries. Easterly identifies three problems with Mankiw’s relationship between secondary enrollement (which he uses as his measure of human capital saving) and income. Firstly, secondary education is not a sufficient measure of educational accumulation so that Mankiw overstated the variation of education in general by a narrowed concentration on it alone. Secondly, to â€Å"assume that capital flow would equalize rates of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The author’s decidedly negative Essay Example for Free

The author’s decidedly negative Essay Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide touches on many important themes, including identity and the role of reputation within society. On top of those themes, the author also uses his work to speak to an idea of â€Å"home† within the novel. Though this work does not include a typical literary representation of home as a developmental ground for young, aspiring successes, he does illustrate how home can be a highly safe and dangerous place all at the same time. Just as Jekyll and Hyde represent a personal dichotomy, home is shown as a place that can be multi-faceted. Because of the intimate nature of the relationships developed between a person and his or her home, that person can be manipulated by the safety of home. While it might seem like a place to barricade one’s self from the rest of the world, home can actually be the single force stripping individuals of their ability to function. In this particular work, home is a place where madness persists and it is essentially ground zero for all that is wrong with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. In this way, the author is accepting some of the views on the role of home, asserting that even in a sea of positives, home can play a negative role, as well. In this book, home is most certainly a place of comfort and violence. The author challenges the assertion that home could be a place where people go just to get their own measure of comfort. While it is true that Dr. Jekyll retreats to his home to get away from much of the scrutiny surrounding him, the author is quick to point out that this experience takes away from Jekyll in a big way. During one portion of the book, suspicions are at an all-time high and people continue to visit Jekyll to figure out his situation. Both the police and concerned citizens have made their way into his home, and in the early part of the book, it is not a place of comfort. In this way, it can be said that the traditional idea of home is lost for the doctor during those moments. He has police officers going through his personal effects and turning his home upside down. He has individuals peering through his windows, providing him with little privacy or comfort of any kind. During this portion of the book, the traditional idea of home is absolutely smashed. Instead of being a refuge, it is a fish bowl where immense and intense pressure is put on the doctor over a period of months. The author does use this opportunity to show the importance of a traditional safe haven, though. As Jekyll is essentially ambushed in his home, he begins to long for the comfort and the privacy traditionally expected in that kind of setting. When Jekyll stops receiving visitors, he is reaching out for the comfort of his home. He grows very tired of constantly being harassed for various reasons, even if those reasons are legitimate. He locks the doors and makes home his refuge. He takes comfort in his work in the lab, but home is also a place of violence. He lives through a kind of unchangeable madness while in his home, constantly working on concoctions and hiding from the truth about who he is. This violence is finally culminated in his suicide, which not surprisingly happens right in the middle of his comfort zone. This use of violence within the home by the author is meant to show that the comfort provided by home is a slipper slope. As the traditional views hold, the ideal of home is one that is delicate. In one moment, home can provide a place for a person to get away from criticisms and attention. In another moment, it can be a place where madness and violence consumer a person’s life. Additionally, the author presents a picture of home as the breeding ground for many of the crazed acts of Mr. Hyde. In short, every minute that Jekyll spends in his home or lab is just another moment where the reader anticipates some terrible event. Through creative sequencing and skilled foreshadowing, the author makes it very clear that the home is an ominous place for Dr. Jekyll. Though he does use it as a refuge, the author makes it seem as if he is only picking the time of his next crazed act. The traditional views hold that home is a place where one develops his or her skills to move forward in the future. Most would say that this is a positive critique of what home is all about. That is not the picture of home that Stevenson paints, though. He does use the ideas of preparation and planning, but it is always for something negative. Much like Dr. Jekyll experiments with various things in his lab, home is a place where there is decisive scheming. In this way, it is much more planning than it is preparation. There is no real personal growth taking place for the doctor; he is only hiding from his identity and attempting to conceal his acts. The author’s decidedly negative view on the role of home in terms of preparation is an interesting point. Stevenson challenges the idea that a person can receive some sort of nurturing from home that would make he or she a better person overall. Instead, he paints home as something of an independent force. For people who have the innate ability to develop and grow, home can be a good place to do that. It does provide the type of repetitive environment where individuals can focus on continued good habits. The author, at least in this work, offers the opinion that home in itself is not enough to develop those who would otherwise not get development. Additionally, he paints this repetition as a bad thing in the case of Dr. Jekyll. The doctor gets into a terrible cycle where he continues to self destruct, time and again. Because home is a place where individuals are protected and where there is very little to balance out such acts, it creates an environment where people can fall into traps. Home is not nearly corrective enough in this story. With this view, Stevenson may be offering an argument that home is only a positive when the people inside the home are providing the correct amount of support. Because it can be so many things and go so many ways, home itself is truly not to blame. It is only a framework from which people are expected to work. The real blame must go on the individuals who use the home and on the people who should be providing the customary support that goes along with being at home. For Dr. Jekyll, home is his refuge, and it acts as a place that he cannot wait to return to. As the reader clearly sees in this book, the first thing that Dr. Jekyll always does after one of Mr. Hyde’s acts is that he comes back home. There are dangerous out on the streets and he could potentially get himself into trouble, but when the doctor comes back home, he has the ability to cover things up, clean behind his tracks, and turn his life into something â€Å"normal† yet again. While many things change for Jekyll over the course of the book, including his professional reputation, his personal relationships, and his ability to manage his personalities, home is something that remains constant. It is a strong place for him to come and truly dedicate his time to his craft. Despite this somewhat positive view of what home is supposed to mean, the book indicates that Jekyll feels incredibly trapped by this situation. He is actually forced to feel like a stranger within his own home, and he comes to resent it after a short while. For the longest time, Jekyll looks forward to coming home because it provides him with safety after some of the acts of Mr. Hyde. This changes as the book moves along, though. No longer is there real excitement about coming home. Instead, he comes because that is the only place that he can go. Home becomes a restrictive force, and all that is positive about it is thrown out of the window. This is the author’s critique on the place of home. In one instance, it can be a place that people need, and it can provide the framework for success. It does not take much for home to take on a negative connotation, though. Just as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde can be switched on and off in a split second, a positive view of home and a negative one can come about very quickly. The traditional view of home as a dichotomy offers the opinion that different pictures of home can be experienced by different people. For some people, home is a good thing, while it is resented by other people. Stevenson complicates this by adding an element of personal indecision on the role of home. Dr. Jekyll experiences all of these emotions within himself. His entire life is dedicated to his work in the lab and the things he has going on at home. That is truly a place of great joy and utter accomplishment for him. Later, it completely switches for him and becomes a place of death, quite literally. Not only does he kill himself right in the middle of the floor at his home, but he also sees his professional life die right in that home. People are constantly peering in, wanting to take a look at the strange and complicated Dr. Jekyll. His reputation dies and any respect that he worked so hard for in that lab goes away along with it. It is no coincidence that the author chooses the doctor’s home as the place where all of this would take place. This speaks loudly about the importance of home to a person’s development. Whether positive or negative, home does play a substantial role in shaping what a person will become. In the case of Dr. Jekyll, home is a roller coaster and home has seen the full range of experiences that he has gone through. Home, in the traditional sense, is a mostly positive place with some negative possibilities. Most authors take the view that home provides something for a person until a time comes when home is a limiting force. In this work, home is something a little bit different. Both a refuge and a place of imprisonment for Dr. Jekyll, home goes through quite a transition as the work goes along. In the end, home is a place of horrible tragedy and death, and it serves as the fitting setting of a man’s twisted, double life.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Financial and Non-Financial Motivation: An Overview

Financial and Non-Financial Motivation: An Overview In modern society, business markets are getting more competitive. As a consequence, firms in the markets try to use more effective ways to achieve their goals, which include earning more profit and expanding market share. Motivation, which is a way that encourages employees to make an effort to work, is a feasible method to help firms to reach their targets. According to Tutor2U (n. d. a), if workers are motivated well, the business will get better productivity as well as improved product quality, and earn good reputation. Hence, a business ought to spend considerable time in thinking the best way to motivate employees, and there are a significant number of different opinions about it, including financial motivation and non-financial motivation. These two methods of motivation focus on different kinds of employees and satisfy different needs of workers. In addition, both of the two measures have their advantages as well as disadvantages. Therefore, the business should use these two m ethods together to encourage employees to work harder or worse, and make productivity good or bad. Different people have different needs to work, so according to specific conditions, a business should use different methods to motivate its workers. Hall et al. (2008) state that Maslow concluded a theory that there are five levels of human needs which employees need to have fulfilled at work, and they are physical, safety, social, esteem and self actualization. An employee would be motivated by the higher need, only once a lower level of need has been fully satisfied (Tutor2U, n. d. b). For example, a person, who has no money and is dying of hunger and thirst, may think about basic wage at first instead of job security and respect from others. A business ought to offer different sets of incentives from worker to worker, because workers are not all motivated in the same way. According to Hall et al. (2008), McGregor also suggested two theories to explain why people have the will to work. Theory X assumes some workers are motivated by money, while theory Y assumes other workers are mo tivated by many other factors. For instance, due to the little amount of wage, lower paid workers, who include blue collar workers, tend to be willing to work overtime to earn higher pay. However, as for the better paid employees, including white collar workers, salary is not the only important factor for them. They may pay more attention to other aspects of work, such as colleagues, recognition and promotion. Consequently, a business should take different measures aiming at different kinds of employees in order to meet all of their needs and make profits. Financial motivation, which is related to a fair days pay for a fair days work, has both its strengths and weaknesses. Money is necessary for everybody, especially for the poor who have a strong desire to earn more money so as to make a living. Hence, the specific approach that motivates employees using money could be a good way to improve performance of workers as well as productivity. On the other hand, financial motivation may also cause some problems too, such as quality and operating problems. Hall et al. (2008) list some possible methods of financial motivation, including piece rates, fringe benefits, performance related pay and profit sharing. Each method has different benefits and drawbacks to motivate workers. An example is piece-rate pay, which is recommended by Taylor, it is the wage that is paid to workers by the number of products they make in a certain period of time (Hoddersamplepages, n. d.). Workers would work harder to earn more, because the ones who produce more co uld get higher pay. It might be good for increasing the speed of work therefore productivity. Nevertheless, piece rates tend to make employees rush work, so lead to some quality problems, and further influence the reputation of the business. Another measure is fringe benefit, and it is the extra money that employees receive in addition to their normal wage or salary, such as a company car, free use of a house as well as private health insurance (Tutor2U, n. d. c). It can help satisfy the social needs of employees and make them loyal to the firm. At Google for example, it provides free meals for employees to motivate them to be more loyal and make profits for the company (Hall et al., 2008). However, Tutor2U (n. d. c) also points out that fringe benefits could be difficult for the firm to operate because of increasing costs that are used by individuals. Therefore, there are some obvious advantages and disadvantages of financial motivated methods. Owing to the problems of financial incentives, firms should also use non-financial incentives to encourage workers. The similar to financial motivation, non-financial motivation has not only many significant benefits but also some drawbacks too. According to Tutor2U (n. d., b), Mayo reported that the human relations approach is the process for retaining and developing people in organizations but not using ways that involve money. A case in point is Tejas Securities Group. The Chairmans Cup is a silver chalice, which is awarded by the firm each month. It is the award to the workers who contribute to the success of the whole firm, so it inspires employees to work harder toward achievement (Searchwarp, n. d.). Non-financial incentives include job enrichment, empowerment and team working (Hall et al., 2008). Job enrichment means giving workers new sets of interesting and challenging tasks, which is supported by Herzberg (Hr-scorecard-metrics, 2010). It provides employees more chances to develop their capabilities and make them gain a strong sense of achievement. On the other hand, Tutor2U (n. d. d) reports that job enrichment might make some expensive mistakes if the work is too complex for workers or they do not possess the correct skill level. As for empowerment, it gives official authority to workers to make decisions and control their own activities (Hall et al., 2008). For example, employees can arrange how to use their time and how to achieve the tasks by themselves. The advantages of empowerment are significant, one of which is making employees feel free to make the most suitable choices for themselves. The disadvantages are obvious as well. Hall et al. (2008) point out employees might be given more work with the same pay, so they may be not willing to do it. Furthermore, empowerment may increase the costs that relate to the business, such as the costs of changing the workplace and training the workers (Hall, et al., 2008). If the employees make wrong decisi ons, it tends to have bad effects on the whole business. As a result, both the strengths and weaknesses of non-financial incentives exist. To sum up, according to Maslows hierarchy of needs as well as McGregors theory X and theory Y, different workers may have different needs to be met through motivation. On the one hand, either financial motivation or non-financial motivation is useful to encourage employees. On the other hand, both of the methods have their drawbacks as well. As far as I am concerned, these two methods are both beneficial for a business to motivate its employees, improve productivity, then earn more profits and achieve the business objectives. Thus, a business ought to combine these two methods, and use them together reasonably. The business should also take advantage of both financial as well as non-financial motivation, and try to avoid some unnecessary problems depending on specific needs of employees and real conditions of work.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Media Needs Regulation Essay example -- Media Argumentative Persua

The Media Needs Regulation      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The death of Princess Diana on August 31, 1997 shocked the world; her death was considered the biggest tragedy of the year, and the media responded accordingly. Her death prompted the media into a frenzy to sanctify her memory; however, through the documentaries and commemorative magazines, the media proved their guilt of invasion of Princess Diana's privacy by displaying the immense amount of information they gathered throughout her life. In fact, a week before she died, she vacationed in Greece with writer friend Rosa Monckton, and they tried to outsmart the paparazzi for simple privacy. Diana said to Monckton, "It's a hunt, Rosa. It's a hunt. Will you really tell people what it is like?" The article expressing to people the paparazzi's hunt lay half-written on a desk when Monckton learned her friend died being "hunted to her death" (108-109). This opened my eyes to the fact that the media needs limitations. The media should refrain from intruding into the personal lives of people, and in the United States the problem is evident throughout media history. Proper actions can be taken in the United States to hinder invasion of privacy by the media without reducing the power of the first amendment. If the United States adopted an organization similar to Great Britain's Press Complaints Commission which self-regulates their media, it would be a great start for protecting people's right of privacy from the media in the United States.    The media in the United States did not begin by reporting the private lives of people in the news or people in the public eye. The 1960's i... ...the PCC." Available:    "Code of Ethics." Available:    Day, Nancy. Sensational TV. Springfield, New Jersey: Enslow Publishers, Inc., 1996.    "Key Benefits of the System of Self Regulation." Available:    "Minnesota News Council Determinations." Available:    Monckton, Rosa. "My Friend Diana." Newsweek Commemorative Issue: Diana, A Celebration of Her Life. October 1997: 108-112.    Shaw, Bob. "How to Start a News Council." Available:    Sobel, Robert. The Manipulators. Garden City, New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1976.    Weiss, Ann E. Who's to Know? Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1990.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Academic Word List

Nhom 1 Analysis: S phan tich Chemical analysis of the woman’s dress revealed traces of blood. The book is an analysis of poverty and its causes. At the meeting they presented a detailed analysis of twelve schools. †¢ analyse / †¢ analyze †¢ analyst †¢ analytic = isolating †¢ analytical †¢ analytically Approach: Phuong phap, ti p c n We need to adopt a different approach to the problem What's the best way of approaching this problem? †¢ approachable / †¢ unapproachable Area: Ph m vi hi u bi t, chuyen mon Software is not really my area of expertise Assess: ? anh gia The tests are designed to assess a child's reading skills.It's difficult to assess the effects of these changes. Interviews allow you to assess the suitability of candidates. †¢ assessable †¢ assessment †¢ reassess †¢ reassessment Assume: Cho r ng, gi n nh Everything was quiet when I got home so I assumed that you had gone out. Let us assume for a moment tha t the plan succeeds. She would, he assumed, be home at the usual time. In this example we have assumed a unit price of $10. I had assumed him to be a Belgian. †¢ assumed †¢ assuming †¢ assumption Authority: Chuyen gia She is an authority on seventeenth-century English literature †¢ authoritative †¢ authoritatively ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] om -1- Nhom 1 Available: Co th mua nu c, s d ng nu c This information is available free on the Internet. The new drug is not yet available to the public. When will the information be made available? We'll send you a copy as soon as it becomes available. †¢ availability †¢ unavailability †¢ unavailable Benefit: L i th , l i ich He couldn't see the benefit of arguing any longer. I had the benefit of a good education For maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals. †¢ beneficial †¢ beneficiary Concept: Khai ni m He can't grasp the basic concepts of mathematics Concepts such as â⠂¬Ëœcivilization’ and ‘government’ †¢ conception conceptual †¢ conceptualize †¢ conceptually Consist: Bao g m, g m co A dessert consisting of fruit and cream (ch a n ng) The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings. (chinh) †¢ consistency / †¢ inconsistency †¢ consistent / †¢ inconsistent †¢ consistently / †¢ inconsistently Constitute: (~establish, set up) Thi t l p, thanh l p The committee was constituted in 1974 by an Act of Parliament †¢ constituency †¢ constituent †¢ constitution †¢ constitutional / †¢ unconstitutional †¢ constitutionally / †¢ unconstitutionally †¢ constitutive ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -2- Nhom 1 Context: Trong hoan c nhThis speech needs to be set in the context of Britain in the 1960s. His decision can only be understood in context. †¢ contextual †¢ contextualization †¢ contextualize †¢ contextually Contract: H p n ng †¢ contractor Create: T o ra, gay nen The snow created further problems Scientists disagree about how the universe was created. The government plans to create more jobs for young people. †¢ creation / †¢ recreation †¢ creative †¢ creatively †¢ creativity †¢ creator †¢ recreate Data: Thong tin Define: Ch c ch n I've heard rumours, but nothing definite Your duties are clearly defined in the contract. Can you define what it means to be an American? definable †¢ definition †¢ redefine †¢ redefinition †¢ undefined Derive: Nh n nu c, l y nu c t †¦ tim th y ngu n g c t The name derives from Latin. The word ‘politics’ is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘city/ He derived great pleasure from painting †¢ derivation †¢ derivative ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -3- Nhom 1 Distribute: Phan ph i, phan phat The organization distributed food to the earthquake victims â € ¢ distribution †¢ distributional †¢ distributive †¢ distributor †¢ redistribute †¢ redistribution †¢ redistributive Economic: Thu c kinh t The economy is in recession †¢ economical †¢ economically †¢ economics economist †¢ economy †¢ uneconomic †¢ uneconomical Environment: Moi tru ng An unhappy home environment can affect a child's behaviour †¢ environmental †¢ environmentalism †¢ environmentalist †¢ environmentally Establish: Thanh l p, thi t l p, c ng c The committee was established in 1912 Let's establish some ground rules. †¢ established / †¢ disestablish †¢ establishment / †¢ disestablishment Estimate: ? nh gia, nanh gia, u c lu ng I can give you a rough estimate of the amount of wood you will need Official government estimates of traffic growth over the next decade †¢ estimation †¢ overestimate †¢ overestimation †¢ underestimate inh Nho Hi p – [ema il  protected] com -4- Nhom 1 Evident: Hi n nhien, ro rang (~obvious) It was evident from his voice that he was upset. The growing interest in history is clearly evident in the number of people visiting museums and country houses †¢ evidence †¢ evidential †¢ evidently Export: Xu t kh u 90% of the engines are exported to Europe †¢ exporter Factor: Nhan t , y u t The result will depend on a number of different factors Finance: Tai chinh, ti n b c Finance for education comes from taxpayers †¢ financial †¢ financially †¢ financier Formula: Cong th c †¢ formulate / †¢ reformulate †¢ formulation / †¢ reformulationFunction: Ch c nang The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body †¢ functional †¢ functionally Identify: Nh n ra, nh n di n (= ID) She was able to identify her attacker Many of those arrested refused to identify themselves (= would not say who they were). The gunman in Wednesday's attack has been id entified as Lee Giggs, an unemployed truck driver. †¢ identifiable †¢ identification ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -5- Nhom 1 Income: Thu nh p They receive a proportion of their income from the sale of goods and services Indicate: (~show, point) Ch ra, bi u l The signpost indicated the right road for us to followResearch indicates that eating habits are changing fast. †¢ indication †¢ indicative †¢ indicator (=blinker) Invidual: Rieng r , rieng bi t We interviewed each individual member of the community †¢ individualism †¢ individualist †¢ individualistic †¢ individuality †¢ individually Interpret: Gi i thich, lam sang t The students were asked to interpret the poem †¢ interpretable †¢ interpretation †¢ interpretative †¢ interpretive †¢ misinterpret †¢ misinterpretation †¢ reinterpret †¢ reinterpretation Involve: (~entail) Bao g m, dinh dang n n The test will involve answering questions about a photograph. The job involves my travelling all over the country.Many of the crimes involved drugs †¢ involved †¢ involvement †¢ uninvolved Issue: V n n This is a big issue; we need more time to think about it †¢ issuer ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -6- Nhom 1 Labour: Lao n ng (chan tay) The company wants to keep down labour costs †¢ labor Legal: H p phap They are currently facing a long legal battle in the US courts †¢ legality †¢ legally †¢ illegal †¢ illegality †¢ illegally Legislate: L p phap The government will legislate against discrimination in the workplace †¢ legislation †¢ legislative †¢ legislator †¢ legislature Major = most of/most = serious = huge >big We have encountered major problems majority Method: Phuong phap, cach th c A new method of solving the problem †¢ methodical †¢ methodically †¢ methodological †¢ methodologically †¢ methodolog y Occur: (~happen) X y ra, x y n n (n t ng t) Something unexpected occurred According to the police, the shooting occurred at about 12. 30 a. m. †¢ occurrence †¢ reoccur Per cent: Ph n tram Poor families spend about 80 to 90 per cent of their income on food †¢ percentage ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -7- Nhom 1 Period: Giai no n, kho ng th i gian The factory will be closed down over a 2-year period/a period of two years †¢ periodic †¢ periodical †¢ periodicallyPolicy: Chinh sach, nu ng l i hanh nong (Chinh ph , ? ng, Nha Nu c†¦) They have had a significant change in policy on paternity leave. Pinciple: Nguyen t c I refuse to lie about it; it's against my principles. Stick to your principles and tell him you won't do it. †¢ principled †¢ unprincipled Proceed = continue = go on = ti p t c = ti n hanh = ti n trinh We're not sure whether we still want to proceed with the sale She sat down and proceeded to tell me about her s kiing trip. He outlined his plans and then proceeded to explain them in more detail. Work is proceeding slowly. †¢ procedural †¢ procedure †¢ proceeding †¢ proceedsProcess: Qua trinh, s ti n tri n We're in the process of selling our house †¢ processing Require: (~need) ? oi h i, yeu c u what do you require of me? True marriage requires us to show trust and loyalty. Lentils do not require soaking before cooking. (? u khong c n ngam†¦) †¢ requirement Research: (v. n) Nghien c u To research into the causes of cancer I've done some research to find out the cheapest way of travelling there †¢ researcher ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -8- Nhom 1 Respond: ? ap l i, hu ng ng When asked about the company's future, the director responded that he remained optimistic †¢ respondent †¢ response †¢ responsive responsively †¢ responsiveness †¢ unresponsive Role: Vai tro It is one of the greatest roles she has played T he role of the teacher in the classroom This part of the brain plays an important role in learning. Section (V: c t, phan chia N: ph n c t ra) The library has a large biology section Sector (area, zone): Khu v c (kinh t , ki thu t) the manufacturing sector Significant: Quan tr ng, tr ng n i, n y y nghia It is significant that girls generally do better in examinations than boys There are no significant differences between the two groups of students. Your work has shown a significant improvement. †¢ significance †¢ significantly †¢ signify insignificance †¢ insignificant †¢ insignificantly Similar: Tuong t My teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers. The two houses are similar in size The brothers look very similar. †¢ similarity †¢ similarly Source: Ngu n, ngu n g c. Your local library will be a useful source of information. ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -9- Nhom 1 Specific: D t khoat, ro rang, chi ti t, chinh xac I gave you specific instructions ‘I'd like your help tomorrow. ’ ‘Can you be more specific’? A specific purpose/reason Could we arrange a specific time to meet? †¢ specifically †¢ specification †¢ specificity †¢ specifics †¢ unidentifiableStructure: C u truc The grammatical structures of a language †¢ structural †¢ structurally †¢ restructuring †¢ restructure †¢ unstructured Theory: Gi n nh, h c thuy t I have this theory that most people prefer being at work to being at home †¢ theoretical †¢ theoretically †¢ theoretician †¢ theorist Vary: Thay n i (m c n nh ) (ng ai, n i) The menu varies with the season Class numbers vary between 25 and 30. What time do you start work? ’ ‘It varies. ’ The aerobics instructor varies the routine each week †¢ variability †¢ variable †¢ variably †¢ variance †¢ variant †¢ variation †¢ varied †¢ invari able †¢ invariably ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] om – 10 – Nhom 2 Achieve: v. Thanh cong (~accomplish) Their background gives them little chance of achieving at school. †¢ achievable †¢ achievement Acquire: Thu nu c, n t nu c She has acquired a good knowledge of English How long will it take to acquire the necessary skills? He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty. The company has just acquired new premises. †¢ acquisition Administration: (~managing) S trong nom, s qu n ly; s cai qu n, s cai tr She has little experience in administration (= in organizing a business, etc. ). Teachers complain that more of their time is taken up with administration than with teaching. †¢ admin administrative †¢ administratively †¢ administrator Affect: nh hu ng n n, tac n ng n n Your opinion will not affect my decision It's a disease which affects many older people. How will these changes affect us? †¢ affective †¢ affectively †¢ unaffected Appropriate: (~suitable) Phu h p Appropriate for something: Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party. Appropriate to something: The book was written in a style appropriate to the age of the children. †¢ appropriacy / †¢ inappropriacy †¢ appropriately †¢ appropriateness †¢ inappropriate †¢ inappropriately †¢ inappropriateness ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -1- Nhom 2 Aspect: Khia c nhShe felt she had looked at the problem from every aspect. The book aims to cover all aspects of city life. Assist: (~help) Giup n We'll do all we can to assist you. We will assist you in finding somewhere to live. We are looking for people who would be willing to assist in the group's work. Anyone willing to assist can contact this number. †¢ assistance †¢ assistant †¢ unassisted (=aided) Category: Nhom The results can be divided into three main categories. †¢ categorization †¢ categorize Chapter: Chuong (sach) Commission: M nh l nh, ra l nh The government has set up a commission of inquiry into the disturbances at the prison. commissioner (=police commissioner) Community: Phu ng, h i The local community was shocked by the murders. Health workers based in the community (= working with people in a local area) Complex: (~complicated) Ph c t p A complex argument/problem/subject The complex structure of the human brain †¢ complexity Compute: U c tinh The losses were computed at ? 5 million. †¢ computable †¢ computation †¢ computational †¢ computer †¢ computing ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -2- Nhom 2 Conclude: (~end) K t thuc The programme concluded with Stravinsky's ‘Rite of Spring’. He concluded by wishing everyone a safe trip homeShe concluded her speech with a quotation from Shakespeare. The concert concluded with a firework display. I would like to conclude by thanking you all for attending. †¢ conclusion †¢ con clusive / †¢ inconclusive †¢ conclusively / †¢ inconclusively Conduct: Ti n hanh, t ch c They conducted a vigorous campaign for a shorter working week. To conduct an experiment/an inquiry/a survey Consequence: (~result) K t qu To suffer/face/take the consequences of your actions This decision could have serious consequences for the industry Two hundred people lost their jobs as a direct consequence of the merger. If you make im angry, you'll have to suffer the consequences. †¢ consequent †¢ consequently Construct (~build) (thu ng th b n ng) Xay d ng When was the bridge constructed? They constructed a shelter out of fallen branches. The building was constructed in 1930. †¢ construction / †¢ reconstruction †¢ constructive †¢ constructively †¢ reconstruct Consumer: Khach hang Health-conscious consumers want more information about the food they buy †¢ consume †¢ consumption Credit: S khen ng i I can't take all the credit for th e show's success—it was a team effort. †¢ creditor ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -3- Nhom 2 Culture: (Thu c) van hoaCultural differences between the two communities †¢ cultural †¢ culturally †¢ cultured †¢ uncultured Design(v. n) Phac th o, thi t k , ki u The magazine will appear in a new design from next month. There was a fault in the design of the aircraft. The machine's unique design prevents it from overheating. †¢ designer Distinct: (~diffirent) (distinction): Khac nhau The results of the survey fell into two distinct groups. Jamaican reggae music is quite distinct from North American jazz or blues. This word has three distinct meanings. †¢ distinction / †¢ indistinct †¢ distinctive / †¢ distinctively †¢ distinctly / †¢ indistinctly †¢ distinctnessElement: Y u t Cost was a key element in our decision Equate: Coi ngang, ngang v i Many people equate wealth with happiness. I don't see how yo u can equate the two things. †¢ equation Evaluate: (~assess) ? anh gia, u c lu ng We need to evaluate how well the policy is working Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs. †¢ evaluation / †¢ re-evaluation †¢ evaluative †¢ re-evaluate ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -4- Nhom 2 Feature: Net n c trung, tinh nang rieng An interesting feature of the city is the old market. Which features do you look for when choosing a car? Final: Cu i cungThey find each other in the final chapter of the book †¢ finality †¢ finalization †¢ finalize †¢ finally Focus (+on): T p trung (+vao) †¢ refocus Impact: Tac n ng, nh hu ng Her speech made a profound impact on everyone. Latino singers have had a major impact on pop music this year. Injury: Ch n thuong There were no injuries in the crash (= no people injured) †¢ injure †¢ injured †¢ uninjured Institute: Vi n, H c Vi n †¢ institution †¢ institutional †¢ institutionalization †¢ institutionalize †¢ institutionalized †¢ institutionally Invest: ? u tu Now is a good time to invest in the property market †¢ investment †¢ investor †¢ reinvest reinvestment ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -5- Nhom 2 Item: ? , v t Can I pay for each item separately? †¢ itemize Journal: (~newspaper~magazine) Bao, t p chi Maintain: (~ keep) (~preserve )Gi The two countries have always maintained close relations. To maintain law and order/standards/a balance The army has been brought in to maintain order in the region. †¢ maintenance Normal: Binh thu ng It's normal to feel tired after such a long trip. It's perfectly normal to feel some degree of stress at work. That's a fairly normal weight for someone of your height. Now that trains are running again things are back to normal.He should be able to lead a perfectly normal life. †¢ normalcy †¢ normality †¢ norma lization †¢ normalize †¢ normally / †¢ abnormally †¢ abnormal Obtain: (~get) L y nu c I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report He obtained a law degree from the University of California. †¢ obtainable / †¢ unobtainable Participate (~take part in) Tham gia She didn't participate in the discussion †¢ participant †¢ participation †¢ participatory Perceive = hi u (understad) = trong th y (see) = nh n th c, nh n th y She did not perceive herself as disabled. I perceived a change in his behaviour. The patient was perceived to have difficulty in breathing. perception ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -6- Nhom 2 Positive: T tin, n y hi v ng A positive attitude/outlook She tried to be more positive about her new job On the positive side, profits have increased. †¢ positively Potential: Ti m tang, ti m nang A potential danger/threat A potential customer A number of potential buyers have expressed interest in the building. †¢ potentially Previous: (~prior~before) Tru c No previous experience is necessary for this job. The car has only had one previous owner. She is his daughter from a previous marriage. †¢ previously †¢ previous to Primary: (~prime; main; most important; basic) chinhThe primary aim of this course is to improve your spoken English. Her primary responsibility is to train new employees. Our primary concern must be the children. Good health care is of primary importance. †¢ primarily Purchase: s mua ban Make a purchase (= buy something) Keep your receipt as proof of purchase. †¢ purchaser †¢ purchasing Range: Nhi u lo i (~variety) A range of colours/patterns There is a full range of activities for children The hotel offers a wide range of facilities. We discussed a wide range of subjects. ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -7- Nhom 2 Region: Vung mi nPeople in the regions should not have to travel to London to fly to the United States †¢ re gional †¢ regionally Regulate: Ch nh non, quy n nh The activities of credit companies are regulated by law. Laws regulating advertising Babies find it difficult to regulate their body temperature. It is up to the regulating authority to put the measures into effect. †¢ regulation †¢ regulator †¢ regulatory †¢ deregulate †¢ deregulation †¢ deregulatory †¢ unregulated Relevant: (+to) Lien quan Education should be relevant to children's needs. A relevant suggestion/question/point Do you have the relevant experience? Send me all the relevant information. irrelevance †¢ irrelevancy †¢ irrelevant †¢ irrelevantly †¢ relevance †¢ relevantly Reside: (~live) Cu tru He returned to Britain in 1939, having resided abroad for many years. Their passports do not give them the right to reside in Britain †¢ residence †¢ residency †¢ resident †¢ residential ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -8- Nhom 2 Re source: Tai nguyen The exploitation of minerals and other natural resources We do not have the resources (= money) to update our computer software †¢ resourceful †¢ resourcefully †¢ resourcefulness †¢ under-resourced Restrict: (~limit) H n ch Restrict something to something Speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns.We restrict the number of students per class to 10. †¢ restricted †¢ restriction †¢ restrictive †¢ restrictively †¢ unrestricted Secure: Ch c ch n, b o n m, an toan It's not a very secure way to make a living. The future of the company looks secure. The building is secure against intruders †¢ securely †¢ security †¢ insecure †¢ insecurely †¢ insecurity Seek: (~find~looking for) Tim Highly qualified secretary seeks employment. They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter. (†¦Tim ki m trong vo v ng†¦) †¢ sought (past) Select: (~choose~chose) Ch n He hasn't been selected for the team. †¢ s election †¢ selective †¢ selectively †¢ selectivity inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -9- †¢ selector Nhom 2 Site: Vung n t (Xay d ng) A site has been chosen for the new school. Strategy: Chi n lu c It's all part of an overall strategy to gain promotion †¢ strategic †¢ strategical †¢ strategically †¢ strategist Survey: Kh o sat A recent survey showed 75% of those questioned were in favour of the plan. Carry out a survey†¦ Text: Ch (sach, bao, van b n) Highlight the area of text on screen and press the ‘delete’ key. textual Tradition: Truy n th ng The company has a long tradition of fine design. †¢ traditional †¢ traditionalist †¢ traditionally †¢ non-traditional Transfer: Di chuy n, s di chuy nHow can I transfer money from my bank account to his? †¢ transferability †¢ transferable †¢ transference ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com – 10 – Nhom 3 Alterna tive: S l a ch n You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives †¢ alternatively Circumstance: Hoan c nh, tru ng h p, tinh hu ng We were simply thrown together by circumstance on the long journey. Comment: L i nh n xet, l i binh She made helpful comments on my work. †¢ commentary †¢ commentator Compensate: B i thu ng Her lawyers say she should be compensated for the suffering she had been caused. †¢ compensation †¢ compensatoryComponent: Thanh ph n Key components of the government's plan are†¦ Trust is a vital component in any relationship. (quan tr ng†¦) Consent: (permission, agreement) S n ng i He is charged with taking a car without the owner's consent. †¢ consensus †¢ consent Considerable: (~significant)? ang k , l n lao (amount, size, importance, etc. ) The project wasted a considerable amount of time and money The damage has been considerable. Considerable progress has been made in finding a cure for the disease. †¢ considerably Constant: Thu ng xuyen (kien tri, chung th y) Babies need constant attention This entrance is in constant use. She's in constant pain. constancy †¢ constantly †¢ inconstancy †¢ inconstant ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -1- Nhom 3 Constrain: B t ep She felt constrained from continuing by the threat of losing her job. To constrain someone to do something: ep bu c ai lam vi c gi Regulations that constrain industry I'm constrained by decisions made in the past. The evidence was so compelling that he felt constrained to accept it. The company said that it was constrained to raise prices. †¢ constraint †¢ unconstrained Contribute: ? ong gop, gop ph n We contributed ? 5000 to the earthquake fund. †¢ contribution †¢ contributor Conventional: Tinh truy n th ngIt's not a hotel, in the conventional sense, but rather a whole village turned into a hotel. †¢ convene †¢ convention †¢ conventio nality †¢ conventionally †¢ unconventional †¢ unconventionality †¢ unconventionally Coordinate: S ph i h p, h p tac A pamphlet produced by the government in coordination with (= working together with) the Sports Council †¢ coordination †¢ coordinator Core: Nhan, loi, nong c t Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies. Corporate: (thu c) t ch c corporate finance/planning/strategy The law applies to both individuals and corporate bodies. †¢ corporation ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] om -2- Nhom 3 Corresponding: Tuong ng, n i v i A change in the money supply brings a corresponding change in expenditure. Profits have risen by 15 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year. †¢ correspond †¢ correspondence †¢ correspondingly Criteria: Tieu chu n What criteria are used for assessing a student's ability? Deduce: (~infer )Suy lu n, suy di n From the contents of his shopping basket, I deduced that he was single. We can deduce a lot from what people choose to buy. †¢ deducible †¢ deduction Demonstrate: Ch ng minh, gi i thich (show) Let me demonstrate to you some of the difficulties we are facing.The theories were demonstrated to be false. These problems demonstrate the importance of planning. She demonstrated how to use the new software. †¢ demo †¢ demonstrable †¢ demonstrably †¢ demonstrate †¢ demonstration †¢ demonstrative †¢ demonstratively †¢ demonstrator Document: Tu li u (in tren gi y) †¢ documentation Dominant: M nh nh t, quan tr ng nh t, nang luu i nh t The dominant feature of the room was the large fireplace. †¢ dominance †¢ dominate †¢ domination ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -3- Nhom 3 Emphasis: (~stress ) T m quan tr ng The emphasis is very much on learning the spoken language.Schools are starting to place/put greater emphasis on passing exams. To put/lay/place emphasis on somethi ng We provide all types of information, with an emphasis on legal advice. †¢ emphasize †¢ emphatic †¢ emphatically Ensure: B o n m, b o hi m Victory ensured them a place in the final. Exclude: Ngan ch n, lo i tr Try excluding fat from your diet. Buses run every hour, Sundays excluded. Women are still excluded from the club. †¢ excluding †¢ exclusion †¢ exclusionary †¢ exclusive †¢ exclusively †¢ exclusiveness Framework: Khuon kh We are currently exploring new approaches within existing frameworks of practice and thinking Fund: Qu †¢ funder funding Illustrate: Minh h a An illustrated children's book His lecture was illustrated with photos taken during the expedition. This new discovery illustrates how little we know about early human history. †¢ illustration †¢ illustrative ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -4- Nhom 3 Immigrate: Nh p cu About 6. 6 million people immigrated to the United States in the 1970s. â⠂¬ ¢ immigrant †¢ immigration †¢ immigration control Imply: Ng i Are you implying (that) I am wrong? imply something His silence seemed to imply agreement. It was implied that we were at fault. An implied criticism (ng i ch trich) Initial: ? u tien, ban n uIn the initial stages (= at the beginning) of the campaig My initial reaction was to decline the offer. Initially, the system worked well. †¢ initially Instance: Vi d In most instances, there will be no need for further treatment. Many teenagers earn money, for instance by babysitting or cleaning cars. The report highlights a number of instances of injustice. Interaction: Giao ti p Our work involves a lot of interaction with the customers. The only thing he interacts with is his computer! Teachers have a limited amount of time to interact with each child. †¢ interact †¢ interactive †¢ interactively †¢ interactivity Justification: Bi n minhI can see no possible justification for any further tax in creases. There's no justification for treating her so badly. †¢ justifiable †¢ justifiably †¢ justified †¢ justify †¢ unjustified ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -5- Nhom 3 Layer: S p l p The potatoes are layered with onion. Link: M t xich, s k t n i Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders. †¢ linkage Locate: (~site) T a l c, n t v tri be located in/near/on, etc They located their headquarters in Swindon. †¢ located †¢ location †¢ relocate †¢ relocation Maximise: (~maximase) T i na hoa †¢ max †¢ maximization †¢ maximum Minor: Nh , khong quan tr ng (>< large)Women played a relatively minor role in the organization. †¢ minority Negative (~ bad ~ harmful) X u, gay h i Terrorist threats have had a very negative impact on tourism. The crisis had a negative effect on trade. The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative. †¢ negate †¢ negatively Outcome: K t l u n, k t qu We are waiting to hear the final outcome of the negotiations. We are confident of a successful outcome. Partnership: Quan h n ng nghi p He developed his own program in partnership with an American expert. †¢ partner ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -6- Nhom 3 Philosophy: Tri t h c †¢ philosopher philosophic †¢ philosophical †¢ philosophically †¢ philosophize †¢ philosophizing Physical: Th ch t (adj) He tends to avoid all physical contact. †¢ physically Proportion: Ph n, t l Water covers a large proportion of the earth's surface. The proportion of regular smokers increases with age. A higher proportion of Americans go on to higher education than is the case in Britain. Children make up a large proportion of the world's population. †¢ proportional †¢ proportionally †¢ proportionate †¢ proportionately †¢ disproportion †¢ disproportionate †¢ disproportionately Published: Xu t b n The first e dition was published in 2007. †¢ publisher publishing †¢ unpublished Reaction: Ph n ng What was his reaction to the news? People can react badly to certain food additives. (†¦ph gia th c ph m) †¢ react †¢ reactionary †¢ reactivate †¢ reactivation ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -7- †¢ reactive †¢ reactor = nuclear reactor Registered: ? a nu c nang ki The ship was registered in Panama †¢ registration Nhom 3 Rely: Tin tu ng, d a vao (+on, upon) These days we rely heavily on computers to organize / organizing our work. †¢ reliability †¢ reliable †¢ reliably †¢ reliance †¢ reliant †¢ unreliability †¢ unreliable Remove: D i, di chuy n, nu i, xoa He removed his hand from her shoulder.Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour. †¢ removable †¢ removal Scheme: Am muu, i n , k ho ch A local scheme for recycling newspapers To introduce/operate a scheme t o improve links between schools and industry †¢ schematic †¢ schematically Sequence: S n i ti p, s lien ti p He described the sequence of events leading up to the robbery. (†¦v cu p) I got my slides mixed up and they appeared out of sequence. †¢ sequencing †¢ sequential †¢ sequentially Sex: Gi i tinh How can you tell what sex a fish is? †¢ sexism †¢ sexual ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -8- †¢ sexuality †¢ sexually Nhom 3Shift: Thay n i (tinh tinh, v tri, suy nghi, b n ch t, hinh dang) There has been a dramatic shift in public opinion on this matter. Public attitudes towards marriage have shifted over the past 50 years. Specify: Ch ro, ghi ro Remember to specify your size when ordering clothes. Forms must be returned by the specified date. †¢ specifiable †¢ unspecified Sufficient: ? Allow sufficient time to get there. These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban. Is ? 100 sufficient for your expenses ? She didn't have sufficient time to answer all the questions. I was sufficiently close to hear what they were saying. †¢ insufficiency †¢ insufficient insufficiently †¢ sufficiency †¢ sufficiently Task: Nhi m v , ph n s Our first task is to set up a communications system. I was given the task of sorting out all the stuff in the garage Getting hold of this information was no easy task (= was difficult). Technical: (thu c) k thu t, chuyen mon We offer free technical support for those buying our software. Techniques: K x o, phuong phap k thu t, ki nang Her technique has improved a lot over the past season. Technology: K thu t h c,cong ngh h c The company has invested in the latest technology. †¢ technically †¢ technological †¢ technologically ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] om -9- Nhom 3 Valid: H p l , h p li She had valid reasons for not supporting the proposals. The point you make is perfectly valid. A valid argument †¢ invalidate †¢ invalidation †¢ invalidity †¢ validate †¢ validation †¢ validity †¢ validly Volume: Tuy n t p, t ng s lu ng, t ng lu ng How do you measure the volume of a gas This work has grown in volume recently. ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com – 10 – Nhom 4 Access: Truy c p You need a password to get access to the computer system. †¢ accessibility †¢ accessible †¢ inaccessibility †¢ inaccessible Adequate: ? I didn't have adequate time to prepare. The room was small but adequate.He didn't give an adequate answer to the question. Adequate for something The space available is not adequate for our needs. Adequate to do something training that is adequate to meet the future needs of industry †¢ adequacy †¢ adequately †¢ inadequacy †¢ inadequate †¢ inadequately Annual: Thu ng nien An average annual growth rate of 8% †¢ annually Apparent: Ro rang, hi n nhien It soon became apparent that she had lost interest in the project. Suddenly, for no apparent reason (= without a reason) he started screaming and shouting. Apparent (from something) (that†¦) It was apparent from her face that she was really upset.Apparent (to somebody) (that†¦) It soon became apparent to everyone that he couldn't sing. †¢ apparently Approximate: X p x The cost given is only approximate. †¢ approximately †¢ approximation ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -1- Nhom 4 Attitude: Thai n , quan ni m To have a good/bad/positive/negative attitude towards somebody/something The government's attitude towards single parents If you want to pass your exams you'd better change your attitude! You're taking a pretty selfish attitude over this, aren't you? He has a very bad attitude to/towards work.Attribute: Quy cho, cho r ng (n c bi t la noi, vi t, v smth) She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck. †¢ attributable †¢ attribution Civil: N i b †¢ civilly Code: B lu t It's written in code. Commitment: L i h a, rang bu c She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment The company's commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success. †¢ commit †¢ committed Communicate: Giao ti p, lien l c We only communicate by email. To communicate information/a message to somebody Has the news been communicated to the staff yet? Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other. communicable †¢ communication †¢ communicative Concentrate: S t p trung; noi t p trung A concentration of industry in the north of the country †¢ concentrated †¢ concentration ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -2- Nhom 4 Conference: H i ngh , s ban b c She is attending a three-day conference on AIDS education †¢ confer Contrast: S khac bi t, S tuong ph n Contrast (between A and B) There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West. Contrast (to somebody/something) The company lost $7 million this quarter in contrast to a profit of $6. 2 million a year earlier. †¢ contrasting †¢ contrastive Cycle: Chu ki, chu trinhThey could not break the cycle of harvest failure, food shortage, price increase and misery. †¢ cyclic †¢ cyclical †¢ cyclically Debate: Cu c tranh lu n, cu c th o lu n The motion under debate (= being discussed) was put to a vote. After a long debate, Congress approved the proposal. †¢ debatable †¢ debating Despite: M c du Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it Dimension: Kich c (size, cao, r ng, dai,†¦) We measured the dimensions of the kitchen. †¢ -dimensional (adj) having the number of dimensions mentioned (ex: a multidimensional model) †¢ multidimensional ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -3- Nhom 4Domestic: Trong nu c Output consists of both exports and sales on the domestic market. †¢ domestically †¢ domesticate à ¢â‚¬ ¢ domesticated †¢ domestication Emerge: (~transpire) L ra, ti t l ra (m t bi m t, m t s ki n.. ) It emerged that the company was going to be sold. No new evidence emerged during the investigation. A figure emerged from the shadows. †¢ emergence †¢ emergent Error: ~ Mistake: L i Error in something There are too many errors in your work. Error in doing something I think you have made an error in calculating the total. †¢ erroneous †¢ erroneously Ethnic: (thu c) b t c ethnic Albanians living in Germany †¢ ethnically †¢ ethnicityGoal: M c tieu Our ultimate goal must be the preservation of the environment. Grant: Tr c p The bank finally granted me a ? 500 loan. †¢ granted Hence = so = vi th nen = therefore I love SP so much, hence I try to be the her Mr. Right. He's got an interview today, hence the suit. ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -4- Nhom 4 Hypothesis: Gi thuy t There is little evidence to support these hypotheses. †¢ hypothesize †¢ hypothetical †¢ hypothetically Implement: (~carry out) Ap d ng, thi hanh (offically) Our new computerized system will soon be fully implemented. A new work programme for young people will be implemented †¢ implementationImplication: S keo theo, s dinh liu, h qu (effect? ) Financial/health implications They failed to consider the wider implications of their actions. This scheme has serious implications for the local economy. They failed to consider the wider implications of their actions. †¢ implicate Impose: Ap n t, ap d ng She is always trying to impose her opinion on/upon other people The time limits are imposed on us by factors outside our control. (to impose upon someone's kindness — l i d ng long t t c a ai) I don't want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children. †¢ imposition Integrate: H p nh t ~ Combine An integrated databaseIntegrate into/with something These programs will integrate with your existing software. I ntegrate A (into/with B)| integrate A and B These programs can be integrated with your existing software. Plans to integrate the two schools †¢ integrated †¢ integration Internal: N i, n i b The internal structure of a building †¢ internalization ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -5- †¢ internalize †¢ internally Nhom 4 Investigate: ? i u tra, nghien c u This is not the first time he has been investigated by the police for fraud. The FBI has been called in to investigate. Police are investigating possible links between the murders.Police are investigating what happened. He has been questioned by detectives investigating Jenkins' murder. †¢ investigation †¢ investigative †¢ investigator †¢ investigatory Job: Ngh nghi p She took a job as a waitress. Label: Nhan hi u He'll only wear clothes with a designer label. Mechanism: May moc, co ch (nghia nen va bong) Pain acts as a natural defence mechanism. Obvious: Ro rang, ranh m ch, hi n nhien †¢ obviously †¢ obviousness Occupational: (thu c) ngh nghi p Occupational disease †¢ occupancy †¢ occupant †¢ occupation †¢ occupationally †¢ occupied †¢ occupier †¢ occupy Option: S l a ch n There are various options open to you. inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -6- Nhom 4 (various = variety of) †¢ optional Output: S n ph m Manufacturing output has increased by 8%. Over the past year the factory's output has fallen by 15%. Overall: (~bib overalls) T ng l i, toan th (adj) There will be winners in each of three age groups, and one overall winner. An overall improvement in standards of living (= affecting everyone) The overall effect We lost the first game, but won overall. Parallel: Song song, tuong t The road and the canal are parallel to each other. Parallel adverb The road and the canal run parallel to each other. The plane flew parallel to the coast. unparalleled Parameter: Tham s (set/define the parameter s) We had to work within the parameters that had already been established. Phase: Giai no n, th i ki (~time, moment) She's going through a difficult phase. The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life. The first phase of the project is scheduled for completion next year. My younger daughter is going through a phase of only wearing black. Predict: (~forecast) D noan She predicted (that) the election result would be close. They predicted that the temperature would reach 80 degrees today. †¢ predictability †¢ predictable †¢ predictably prediction †¢ unpredictability †¢ unpredictable ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -7- †¢ unpredictably Nhom 4 Principal: Chinh, ch y u My principal concern is to get the job done fast. Her principal reason for moving is to be nearer her mother. New roads will link the principal cities of the area. †¢ principally Prior ~ before (adj) She will be unable to attend because of a prior engageme nt. The course requires no prior knowledge of Spanish. Visits are by prior arrangement. Please give us prior notice if you need an evening meal. During the week prior to the meeting Although not essential (c n thi t, quan tr ng? , some prior knowledge of statistics is desirable (ong mu n) Professional: (=pro) Chuyen nghi p He dealt with the problem in a highly professional way. †¢ pro †¢ professionalism †¢ professionally Project: D an, cong trinh nghien c u To set up a project to computerize the library system †¢ projection Promote: (~encourage) Khuy n khich A campaign to promote awareness (nh n th c) of environmental issues Policies to promote economic growth †¢ promoter †¢ promotion Regime: Ch n , chinh th Resolve: (~settle, solve) Gi i quy t Both sides met in order to try to resolve their differences. To resolve an issue/a dispute/a conflict/a crisis inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -8- Nhom 4 Be patient and the situation may resolve it self. An attempt to resolve the dispute (M t s c g ng gi i quy t tranh ch p) †¢ resolution †¢ unresolved Retain: (~preserve) Gi To retain your independence He struggled to retain control of the situation. The house retains much of its original charm. She retained her tennis title for the third year. This information is no longer retained within the computer's main memory. She has a good memory and finds it easy to retain facts. The council will retain control of the school. He struggled to retain control of the situation. †¢ retainer †¢ retention retentive Series: Lo t, day, chu i The first episode of the new series is on Saturday. Statistic (stats/star): S li u th ng ke According to official statistics the disease killed over 500 people. †¢ statistical †¢ statistically †¢ statistician Status: ? a v , than ph n Women are only asking to be given equal status with men. Stress: Ap l c Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. †¢ st ressed †¢ stressed out †¢ stressful †¢ unstressed Subsequent: ? n sau, theo sau, x y sa sau (>< previous) Developments on this issue will be dealt with in a subsequent report. Aubsequent generations ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected]mail. com 9- Nhom 4 Subsequent events confirmed our doubts. †¢ subsequently (~later) The original interview notes were subsequently lost. Subsequently, new guidelines were issued to all employees. He subsequently became chairman of the party. Sum: T ng s (ti n) Huge sums have been invested in this project. Summary: Tom t t In summary, this was a disappointing performance. The following is a summary of our conclusions. †¢ summarily †¢ summarize †¢ summation †¢ sum Undertake: Nh n lam, cam k t I cant undertake to do that: toi khong th nh n lam ni u no The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident. †¢ undertaking undertook ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protect ed] com – 10 – Nhom 5 Academic: Co tinh ch t h c thu t The students return in October for the start of the new academic year. †¢ academe †¢ academia †¢ academically †¢ academy Adjustment: S ni u ch nh I've made a few adjustments to the design. †¢ adjust †¢ readjust †¢ readjustment Alter: Thay n i, bi n n i (n i, ngo i) Prices did not alter significantly during 2007. He had altered so much I scarcely recognized him. Alter somebody/something It doesn't alter the way I feel. Nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame. †¢ alterable †¢ alteration †¢ alternate †¢ alternately †¢ alternation †¢ unalterable unaltered Amend: S a ch a l i (n i v i van b n: Lu t, h p n ng, tai li u) The contract has now been amended. †¢ amendment Aware: Nh n th y, Nh n bi t As far as I'm aware, nobody has done anything about it. Aware of something I don't think people are really aware of just how much it costs. He was well aware of the problem. Everybody should be made aware of the risks involved. Aware that†¦ Were you aware that something was wrong? †¢ awareness †¢ unaware †¢ unawareness ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -1- Nhom 5 Capacity: (~skilled, competent ) Co tai, co nang l c, co kh nang Capable of something You are capable of better work than this.Capable of doing something He's quite capable of lying to get out of trouble. I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you. †¢ incapacitate Challenge: S khu c t It was a direct challenge to the president's authority. †¢ challenged †¢ challenger †¢ challenging Clause: ? i u kho n (trong hi p u c, b lu t†¦) There is a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet. Compound: H p ch t, t ghep†¦ (th g m 2 th tr len h p thanh) Common salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine. Conflict: S xung n t, n i l p, s va ch m John often comes into conflict with his boss. She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career.The government has done nothing to resolve the conflict over nurses' pay. Consultation: S tham kh o, ban b c, s th o lu n The decision was taken after close consultation with local residents. †¢ consult †¢ consultancy †¢ consultant †¢ consultative Contact: S lien l c, lien h She's lost contact with her son. I finally made contact her in Paris. Have you kept in contact with any of your friends from college? The organization put me in contact with other people in a similar position. †¢ contactable Decline: S suy s p, tan t , suy tan The town fell into (a) after the mine closed. Industry in Britain has been in decline since the 1970s. inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -2- Nhom 5 Discretion: S t do lam theo y minh, s tuy i I'll leave it up to you to use your discretion. †¢ discrete †¢ discretely †¢ discreteness †¢ discretionary †¢ indiscretion Draft: B n phac th o I've mad e a rough draft of the letter. (phac th o nhap) The legislation is still in draft form. †¢ redraft Enable: (~allow): Lam cho co th (help? ) The software enables you to create your own DVDs. Insulin enables the body to use and store sugar. Energy: Nang lu ng It is important to conserve energy. †¢ energetic †¢ energetically Enforce: Ep bu c. (obey: tuan theo)The legislation will be difficult to enforce. It is the duty of the police to enforce the law. United Nations troops enforced a ceasefire in the area. (l nh ng ng b n) †¢ enforceable †¢ enforced †¢ enforcement Entity: Th c th , s t n t i These countries can no longer be viewed as a single entity. The unit has become part of a larger department and no longer exists as a separate entity. Equivalent: Tuong nuong 250 grams or an equivalent amount in ouncesequivalent to something Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles. †¢ equivalence ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -3- Nh om 5Evolution: Ti n hoa, ti n tri n (qua trinh) Darwin's theory of evolution †¢ evolutionarily †¢ evolutionary †¢ evolutionism †¢ evolutionist †¢ evolve Expansion: S m r ng, s phat tri n The expansion of higher education will continue. †¢ expand †¢ expansionism †¢ expansionist †¢ expansive †¢ expansively †¢ expansiveness Expose: (~reveal ) V ch tr n, phoi bay My job as a journalist is to expose the truth. Expose something to somebody He did not want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone. †¢ exposed †¢ exposure External: ngoai, ben ngoai The lotion is for external use only (= only for the skin and must not be swallowed). externality †¢ externalization †¢ externalize †¢ externally Facilitate: Lam cho d dang, kh thi hon The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth. †¢ facilitation †¢ facilitator †¢ facility ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -4- Nho m 5 Fundamental: (~basic, essential ) Co b n, co s , ch y u There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view. A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required. †¢ fundamentally Generate: Sinh ra, phat ra We need someone to generate new ideas. Generation: Th h I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts.Image: Hinh tu ng The aim is to improve the public image of the police. †¢ imagery Liberal: Khoan dung, khoan h ng, dung hoa A liberal attitude Her parents were very liberal. †¢ liberalism †¢ liberalization †¢ liberalize †¢ liberally †¢ liberate †¢ liberated †¢ liberation †¢ liberator Licence: Gi y phep A licence for the software You need a licence to fish in this river. †¢ unlicensed Logic: Lo gic, tinh lo gic I fail to see the logic behind his argument. †¢ illogical / †¢ logical †¢ illogicality †¢ illogically ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protecte d] com -5- Nhom 5 †¢ logically †¢ logician Margin: s khac nhau trong s phi u b uHe won by a narrow margin. She beat the other runners by a margin of ten seconds. †¢ marginal †¢ marginally Medical: (thu c) Y, Y h c Medical school: tru ng y A medical officer: quan y si †¢ medically Mental: (thu c) tri tu , (thu c) tri oc I made a mental note to talk to her about it He has a complete mental block (= difficulty in understanding or remembering) when it comes to physics. †¢ mentality †¢ mentally Modify: (~adjust) Lam d u nh , xoa d u; (~ adapt): S a n i, thay n i The software we use has been modified for us. †¢ modification †¢ unmodified Monitor: Quan sat, theo doi (s thay n i) Network: M ng lu i, h th ngA network of veins Notion: Khai ni m, ni m, ni m tin, quan ni m She had only a vague notion of what might happen. Notion (that†¦) I have to reject the notion that greed can be a good thing. Objective: Khach quan I can’t be objective when I judge my daughter’s work. †¢ objectively †¢ objectivity ?inh Nho Hi p – [email  protected] com -6- Nhom 5 Orientation: S n nh hu ng He's very secretive about his political orientation. orientation to/towards something Companies have been forced into a greater orientation to the market. †¢ orient †¢ orientate †¢ reorient †¢ reorientation Perspective: (~viewpoint) Quan ni m, goc nhin nh n

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

National Lampoon essays

National Lampoon essays National lampoon? vacation would certainly stand up as one of the funniest classic rode trip movies in 80?. Canny scripts and superb performances of characters made this film one of the best rode trip movie. Everything just happens all of sudden in this film. From the beginning until they reach their destination, which is Wally World, all kinds of hilarious incidents happens spontaneously without anyone predicted. And all these spontaneities make this film even better and people love it. But it is indeed painful to watch the hapless Clark fumble his way through the series of disasters that happen to him on his vacation. Clark is a patriarch of a stereotypical American family who decided to take his wife, son, and daughter to an amusement park in California from Chicago. Along the way, they have to contend with a trip to their cousins and end up dragging odd old aunt along for the ride. Clark and his family all get stuck with the task of carrying the irritating aunt. What the family does in order to get her home is one of the highlights of the movie. Clark straps the dead aunt to the roof of the car, and leaves the corpse in front of the empty house in the hard rains. But nothing could be compared to what happens to her little dog. It is so hilarious when Clark tries to explain about the dog being dragged behind the car. When they finally get into Arizona through all those incidents, they, again, get lost in the middle of the desert and crashed their car. And when they visit another hotel and Clark sees a beautiful woman, who flirts with him in the film, again and here comes the funniest part in the whole film. Clark has a hilarious outburst while his wife, the kids, and all the people in the hotel look on him with amazement. They finally make it to Wally World, and as we predicted for something to be happened, it has closed for constructions. Clark couldn? just disappoint his wife and the kids, so he decided t...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Psychological profiling Essays

Psychological profiling Essays Psychological profiling Essay Psychological profiling Essay Psychological profiling has been described as an investigative technique meant to be used to aid in solving particularly unusual cases. It is essentially felt to be an art, rather than a scientific pursuit (McCann, 1992), used to draw psychological conclusions from the material evidence left behind at a crime scene. The guiding theoretical base behind this increasingly popular but controversial tool is largely from the psychological literature. Although its origins can be traced as far back as the Bible, the professional development of profiling is most likely to be attributed to the work of the Behavioural Sciences Unit (BSU) at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. The work of Dr. Thomas Bond (1880s) following his autopsy on the last of Jack the Rippers victims, the psychological profile of Adolf Hitler by Walter Langer during World War II and James Brussels highly accurate sketch of the Mad Bomber of New York (and the Boston Strangler) are all well-known and highly successful examples of this technique. The profile is generated based upon what can be termed a psychological assessment of the crime scene (Ault Reese, 1980) and may include the following elements (Ault Reese, 1980): Perpetrators race, sex, age range, marital status, general employment and degree of sexual maturity; The possibility of the offender striking again, having committed similar offences in the past or having a police record; Offenders reaction to police questioning. The best known methods used are: a) The FBIs Crime Scene Analysis principal foundation lies within the organised and disorganised offender dichotomy. It uses statistics to compare the behaviour of the current offender with those the Profiler has encountered before (Douglas Ressler, 1978). b) Investigative Psychology based on various aspects of the interaction between the victim and offender. It relies heavily on environmental psychology and also employs statistics (Canter, 1985). c) Behaviour Evidence Analysis relies primarily on forensic evidence and is the latest school of thought with no statistics used on broad offender groups. We shall now proceed to examine the positive and negative aspects of this technique. The Uses of Profiling Profiles are generally called in by the law enforcement agencies when they come across a type of murder (or crime) not seen before or to assist in solving a crime that has been unsolved for a long period of time and all leads have been exhausted. Profiling can aid an investigation in the following ways: It helps to narrow the search greatly and enables investigators to focus on individuals with similar personality traits of others who have committed very similar offences in the past (Pinizzotto, 1984). It generates an educated guess about the perpetrator (Douglas, Burgess, Burgess Ressler; Rossi, 1982) which although generalistic, can get more specific with additional information (e. g. photographs). A carefully prepared profile may also be able to help connect past unsolved crimes to the current offender (an aid to linkage blindness). Examine a series of cases to see if there is a link between two or more cases based on the crime scene and the victims (recognition of what is referred to as a signature) Some indication could be provided as to whether or not future attacks are likely which could help in lowering the number of victims. Valuable tips could be obtained about possible items to add to a search warrant, e. g. souvenirs, pornography, photos. Along with possibly enabling quicker apprehension of the offender, a profile could suggest possible interrogation strategies for the police to elicit information from the suspect. Profilers could also serve as an expert witness and help jurors to understand the dynamics and motivations of the killer. The FBIs attempt to test inter-ratal reliability using six of its agents provided with basic details of 64 murder scenes was followed by comparing these results (for type and structure of each crime scene) with existing profiles. This revealed a high inter-rater reliability for classification of type of crime (84%) but a lower result for structure of the crime (74%). Some feel that its grounding in sound testable psychological theory ensures its validity (Grant). The FBIs cost-benefit study in 1981 to assess the utility of profiling found that of 192 profiled cases, only 46% were solved and only 17% of suspects were identified directly by the profile. However, in 77% of cases profiling helped to properly focus the investigation, in 20% it helped to locate possible suspects and in 6% aided in successful prosecution with only 17% of solved cases considering profiling to be of little or no assistance (Pinizzotto, 1984). Study using a closed case method (known offender) compared profiles, detectives and college students on the quality of profiles found that although profiles differed little from detectives in processing the evidence, they were more accurate in answering specific questions about sex related offences. Several researchers have also provided preliminary support for the central premises of signature and organised/disorganised typology that profiling relies on (Ressler et al, 1988; Canter Heritage, 1990; Gratzer Bradford, 1995; Dietz, Hazelwood Warren, 1990). Using the statistical technique of Smallest Space Analysis, strong support was obtained for the use of signature in profiling (Canter Heritage, 1990). Crime Scene Analysis (FBI) is a well known and widely accepted method that has resulted in a number of profiles with some research support of its tenets (see above). Investigative Psychology with its geospatial principles has been extremely useful too in profiling homicide and sexual assaults. Behaviour Evidence Analysis has been acclaimed for its good cross-cultural applicability and robust foundation based on forensic evidence.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Minimum of Two - Development of Major Concerns essays

Minimum of Two - Development of Major Concerns essays Relationships, crisis, fear of change and letting go of the past, ultimate survival and the never-ending Web of Life are all major concerns of Tim Winton. They play a major role in his collection A Minimum of Two and are the base on which the characters and their lives stand. Each soul within the stories faces a crisis and change, along with the consternation of letting go of what was before change took place. Family and friendship give support to lean upon, or sometimes, an endless black hole to fall down. The Web of Life ties closely with the will to survive and both figure prominently in the collection. Winton explores and develops his concerns using a range of writing and language techniques that aid his stories to touch the reader on a deeper, more emotional level. Some of these techniques are simple, such as alliteration, repetition, juxtaposition and short sharp sentences. These help to ignite strength in the words to get Wintons adamant point across to his readers. Out behind garlands of surfers and waist-deep swimmers, she scored the swells with her strokes. Alliteration used in this passage from the story Laps encourages us to see Queenie not just as an ordinary surfer or waist-deep swimmer but as a determined person who cuts through the waves with strength and power. Short sentences used in The Water was Dark causes the reader to see the urgency and desperation of the situation as the girl drowns, and the repetition of words such as machine, cut, and harder also add to this feeling. In the last paragraph, as the girl dies, Winton juxtaposes some of his words and we see the girls hopeless fight against a force that will consume her in the end. The deliberate selection and placement of each sentence, of each word, shows her plight on a devastating level. That body thrashed and whitened the water, throttling o...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Socially Desirable Merit Goods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Socially Desirable Merit Goods - Essay Example As the paper declares  the government has the responsibility of ensuring implementation of expended schools initiatives and provision of financial support to schools to facilitate smooth learning environment. The government also has the responsibility of providing public schools with recreational facilities and further gives better education opportunities to all children. UK government must ensure that every child gets quality education with a very good start and further helping schools in delivering education strategy. Mainly the government has to ensure that schools have good infrastructure and provides students with better skills.This study discusses that  the government should ensure that education provided to the public is very beneficial, effective and universal to all the learners. The intention of providing education by the government is to equip learners with high level skills that are relevant to the betterment of the economy and instilling skills that are useful in the modern life.  Government should ensure enough funding especially in the universities and colleges due to the importance of graduates in the economic growth. According to OECD report studying for a degree greatly benefits individuals because they earn a lot of money compared to non-graduates.  The report further suggests that the educated individuals were never affected by the economic crisis as it affected the uneducated. The economic crisis and recession was caused by unsuccessfully educated individuals.... According to OECD report studying for a degree greatly benefits individuals because they earn a lot of money compared to non-graduates. University graduates also benefits the governments from the high taxes earned from higher earnings by the graduates. The report further suggests that the educated individuals were never affected by the economic crisis as it affected the uneducated. The economic crisis and recession was caused by unsuccessfully educated individuals. The government should subsidize higher education since university education is important to the UK’s economic recovery because it leads to receipt of high taxes and reduced level of unemployment. All these show the unending benefits of education thus justifying why it cannot be left on the hands of private sector. Educated people get good employment and earn good money compared to uneducated individuals. Learned individuals also acquire knowledge and skills that help them in rational thinking and decision making pro cess thus reducing risks of economic crisis and recession. University education is considered vital in individual’s innovation capability due to the knowledge acquired (McMahon 2009, 180-200). There are several benefits to governments and society that result from studying for a degree such as increased receipt of taxes and social cohesion. University graduates assist individuals in obtaining lucrative jobs thus reducing the level of unemployment in the country. The employed persons will reduce the level of crime in the society because most people are able to economically sustain themselves. Graduates always acquire skills and knowledge that may help them make wonderful innovations that are crucial

Friday, October 18, 2019

(TiME) mission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

(TiME) mission - Essay Example The TiME team proposed a mission to land on the methane surface of Saturn’s moon to explore and interact with its atmosphere. Among the goals that were set to be achieved by TiME include: carrying out for the first time a direct inspection of an extraterrestrial sea, measure and sample the organic makeup of a different planet directly and give the first ever extended in situ research of a liquid volatile cycle away from earth. The other proposal of the group was called Comet Hopper or Chopper. The proposal involved placing a Lander on the surface of comet 46P/Wirtanen to study its composition. Since it was to have thrusters it would be able to move from one part of the comet to the other. The Titan Mare Explorer Mission was to explore directly an environment that is like an ocean beyond earth. The vessel known as TiME was to both land and float on this sea of methane-ethane cloudy and complex moon. The team for this mission was lead by principal investigator Ellen Stofan of Proxemy Research Inc. While the TiME capsule was to be built by Lockheed Martin in Denver. Instruments would have been gotten from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, APL and Malin Space Science Systems. The technology that would have been used is one of a kind. Titan has an atmosphere that is thicker than that of the earth, this means solar power would not have been use and battery would only be sufficient for a few hours. This would have left the option of using Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG). This would have provided power that is four times that of radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs). Before TiME there were other missions that had similar objectives such as Solar System Decadal Survey which could see its launch in 2020s if considered under the Titan-Saturn System Mission, and Titan Lake In-situ Sampling Propelled Explorer or â€Å"TALISE†. The latter is based

Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis Paper - Essay Example is their belief about the universe having to go through three eras, namely, creation, the present world where good and evil are mixed and the last era is the final state where the good and evil will be separated (Robinson , par 7). In the last era, it is believed that everything will be purified and those in hell will be released. This component relates to the universal needs and concerns in that the second era which is a world where the good and bad mix is very real to our existence today. This is the era where the world is now. Most people today believe that there is still another world, which Zoroastrians identify as the third era, where the good and the evil will be separated. The concept of hell as being a place where the evil men will ultimately go is one factor why people do good. Another religion which has captured my interest is Confucianism. I am impressed with the teachings of Confucius about morality and ethics. Although it can be considered more of a philosophy, Confucianism has a huge impact on the culture, politics, education and social structure in East Asia (Tucker , par 1). The Confucian values include promoting harmony amidst change. Unlike Zoroastrianism, Confucianism does not give emphasis in the afterlife. In Zoroastrianism, the afterlife is seen in their concept about a third era where everything will be purified and the good and evil will be separated. According to Confucius, afterlife is beyond human comprehension; thus, men should live in ways which are ideal to social relations instead of living based on rewards and punishment. Unlike Zoroastrianism, Confucianism gives emphasis on the life here on earth (FindYourFate , par 5). They believe though that the spirits are immortal and that they do not die with their bodies. Confucianism’s idea of creation is that it was brought about by the interaction of the Yin and the Yang which is generated by the Tao, the Great Ultimate. This is the counterpart of the first era of

Describe and evaluate its role in understanding the psychology of Essay

Describe and evaluate its role in understanding the psychology of adult learning of Personality - Essay Example a greater understanding of the psychology of learning and development, as applied to educational contexts. Adult education promotes the development of adults in a variety of domains--cognitive and intellectual, social and emotional. Psychology has an important role in the field of adult education. The word Psychology originated from the two Greek words ‘psyche’ and ‘logos’ which means soul and science respectively. Psychology was the study of soul earlier. Then it was modified as study of mind and now it is the study of behavioral changes. According to the modern psychologists, behavior includes all those activities of an individual which can be observed by any person with or without the aid of an instrument. Psychology has several branches of study. General psychology, abnormal psychology, Industrial psychology, Development psychology, Child psychology, Adult psychology, Clinical psychology, Educational psychology are some of them. It is interesting to note that adult educators have, traditionally, been interested in understanding the different â€Å"styles† or modes of learning that adults demonstrate much more so than they have been in understanding or assessing cognitive and intellectual abilities. This has taken place despite the fact that the psychological research fails to find compelling evidence for quantitative as opposed to qualitative differences in these learning styles. There is no evidence to support some adult educators’ claims that instruction which is designed to capitalize upon an individual’s preferred manner of learning. Still, as adult educators have often pointed out, psychologists have generally been more concerned with understanding the â€Å"average† or â€Å"typical† performance of a group of learners rather than focusing on the phenomenological experience of the individual learner. And, historically, psychologists have

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Funding proposal for center for bioethical mentorship for clinicians Essay

Funding proposal for center for bioethical mentorship for clinicians working with chronically disables patients &their families - Essay Example Therefore, several projects would be fundamental for a bioethical center that seeks to advance high moral character for the clinicians. The first project is the inquiry into societal change, which makes some values that were upheld in the past virtually inapplicable in the present society. Another key element that would serve as a vital project for the bioethical center is human abuse, which calls for a thorough inquiry into various forms of human abuse, both psychological and physical, which acts as a deterrent to the recovery of patients. The nature of interactions and how they impact on the patients and their relationship with clinicians is yet another relevant area of inquiry, with a view to developing basic essentials of interactions that impact positively on the patients. Any project undertaken in the above three areas will be essential part of informing the development of moral character for clinicians, owing to the fact that the areas address all the moral components that eme rges from any interaction between clinicians and

Assignment # 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assignment # 7 - Essay Example This change has occurred as a result of the need to have a focused media plan. The coverage of many of the traditional methods was wide and reaching a specific target audience would be difficult (Banerjee, 2015). The need to reach a specific target audience has created the shift from traditional media form to the modern approaches which include the use of social media. The modern media planning trends have resulted in the increased utilisation of social media in conducting many marketing activities. These non-traditional forms have created a level of interaction in which the business and clients can communicate directly. The efficiency and speed with which these forms have been able to improve media campaigns remains the key factor which has contributed to their increased utilisation in the modern times. The capability to interact directly with the audience makes these interactive media very efficient in reaching the target audience in may market. Traditional methods lacked the capacity to reach specific audience and involved a wide

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Describe and evaluate its role in understanding the psychology of Essay

Describe and evaluate its role in understanding the psychology of adult learning of Personality - Essay Example a greater understanding of the psychology of learning and development, as applied to educational contexts. Adult education promotes the development of adults in a variety of domains--cognitive and intellectual, social and emotional. Psychology has an important role in the field of adult education. The word Psychology originated from the two Greek words ‘psyche’ and ‘logos’ which means soul and science respectively. Psychology was the study of soul earlier. Then it was modified as study of mind and now it is the study of behavioral changes. According to the modern psychologists, behavior includes all those activities of an individual which can be observed by any person with or without the aid of an instrument. Psychology has several branches of study. General psychology, abnormal psychology, Industrial psychology, Development psychology, Child psychology, Adult psychology, Clinical psychology, Educational psychology are some of them. It is interesting to note that adult educators have, traditionally, been interested in understanding the different â€Å"styles† or modes of learning that adults demonstrate much more so than they have been in understanding or assessing cognitive and intellectual abilities. This has taken place despite the fact that the psychological research fails to find compelling evidence for quantitative as opposed to qualitative differences in these learning styles. There is no evidence to support some adult educators’ claims that instruction which is designed to capitalize upon an individual’s preferred manner of learning. Still, as adult educators have often pointed out, psychologists have generally been more concerned with understanding the â€Å"average† or â€Å"typical† performance of a group of learners rather than focusing on the phenomenological experience of the individual learner. And, historically, psychologists have