Saturday, May 11, 2019

ULMS 536 Week 10 Workshop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ULMS 536 Week 10 Workshop - Essay ExampleMost importantly, the organisational direction can only be understood by an effective talk. Suffice to say that communication binds an presidential term.Communication also affects other aspect of the memorial t opent such as change guidance, take a chance management and conflict resolution because they involve people who dependent towards communication. Communication is the medium to relay the greater objectives of the organization and the enabler that makes team and organization function effectively and efficiently. Such, the intended change should be communicated as an enabler that would link the organization as a whole to work as a team towards the common organizational cultivation that responds to the new business reality that compelled change.Change is part of organizational life. Change happens not because management cherished it but because of business imperative. Organizations that cannot adapt to change will perish in the compe tition. Factors like the external and knowledgeable environment precipitates the need for change and the organization has to respond to remain viable and competitive as a business entity. According to Murthy in his book Change Management, change is to make or become different, keep or begin to have a different form, dissatisfaction with old and belief in the new (2007 7). Thus, military man resource in an organization must accept change as part of organizational realities and able to adapt to it effectively.Risk management is the identification, analysis, avoidance, mitigation, control and acceptance of uncertainties that may have inimical effects to the organization. The strategical components of risk management involve the avoidance of risk, implementation of risk management tools to reduce the impact of the risk or reduce the probability of the risk and the acceptance that there is always a risk in an organization. Risk management makes the organization resilient to risks bro ught by change,

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